The Arch Initiative

Helping people with Social Anxiety to live their best lives.

Anxiety-friendly environments for people to develop their social skills, practice management techniques and build confidence and resilience. 

These sessions run hand-in-hand with CBT and Counselling support, or you can contact us to attend just to build your own confidence and self-esteem when it comes to socialising.
Register your interest here

Who's it for?

If you are living with Social Anxiety and finding it difficult to get out of your house and just "be" in a social setting, we can help you to tackle your anxiety.  We know that everyone is different and faces different challenges, but we're here to help you to move yourself forward and train your body and mind to be able to function around people.  These "classes" are suitable for anyone who struggles to be around other people, whether it be shyness and lack of confidence, or a social phobia.  

All of our classes are designed to give you a focus and point of concentration, away from your anxiety.  Groups will have no more than 5 people, who will all be like-minded. 

We know that you will want to know exactly what to expect and so will make sure you know where you're going, how to get there, where the entrance is, who will be there to meet you, who else will be there, how many people you can expect to see. If you need us to, we'll even arrange transport for you.

The sessions simply aim for you to practice your anxiety management techniques in an anxiety friendly environment.

Next Steps

Over time, you will feel proud of your achievements and what you've overcome.  Each time you attend you can practice the social skills and anxiety management techniques you are learning, and even support and mentor others. When you feel ready, we'll work with you to plan your next steps on your journey to living with Social Anxiety Disorder and being able to function in society.
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